You also have to take into consideration that on WiFi the clients must check every once in awhile to allow others to talk so they don’t step on each other. You have to add in protocol overhead, packet loss and retransmission, and then you end up with a much lower maximum throughput. The numbers used for WiFi, like 450mbps and for LAN, 1000mbps are the maximum symbol rate for the interface, not the maximum throughput.
(buys it and wonders how they were able to fit a 70 inch tv in a 20 inch box, you then open it to find another box containing a 10 inch 100ms response time TFT LCD display) Reply Imagine if wifi style claims were accepted in other ways of life.īuy our large 18 inch pizza!for $12:(opens box and it only has one 4 inch slice of pizza)īuy our overpriced high speed internet service: (ends up being comcast, which is Latin for authentic 9600 baud experience) Isn’t it false advertising if advertised results are impossible to to achieve is real world or even laboratory conditions? I don’t even know how they get away with it, many companies (eg small net builder) have tried to set up best possible case scenarios for a wifi speed test (including disabling as many things as possibly that can lead to a bandwidth or processing overhead, and still never manage to come even close to the advertised speeds). I think when they make claims such as 450mbit/s they mean, provided you can harness the power of magic while transferring your data, then you will reach 450mbit/s You can plug in your data pipe to my outside wiring and go away. If you let Comacast (intentionally spelled), AT&T and other ISPs have their way, they’ll reach their greasy fingers all the way into the home and charge and monitor everything. With the home network being the backbone for a huge portion of our life now, its crazy that more innovation hasn’t come out in this space. Most of the stuff on the market has just sucked for the past 10 years with the only improvements really being new WiFi standards. That may not be something average users want but done correctly, a powerful router with the right features would be a huge seller. With every device online and wanting to “phone home”, I want a better idea of what is going on and who is talking to what. Network Monitoring in particular is becoming more and more of an issue. QOS, Bandwidth limits, parental control (that work), bandwidth monitoring, networking monitoring are all things I’m interested in.

Still searching for a solution that fits my needs (3 kids, 10 computers, 2 servers, 2 rokus, 2 apple TVs, 2 google TVs, and more). I’ve also been playing around with M0n0wall (on a WatchGuard Firewall), Untangle (on a PC), DD-WRT, OpenWRT, PFSense and a few others. I’ve been running Tomato for at least 5-6+ years. I can read 10 reviews about those one from the candy-store reviewers out there. I could really care less about the latest EA4500/6500 from Cisco. I do think for this crowd, focusing on the Tomato, DD-WRT and other “enthusiast” class stuff is a good fit. 🙂Īs you said though, if you happened to live at the head end, and plugged your modem directly into the head end modem, you might be able to get 56k so who was I to say you didn’t have that setup? 😉 Product Manager for the USR x2 consumer product line back in the 90’s and the whole “56k” thing kind of started this. I have to admit some responsibility here… I was the Sr. Look forward to more networking stuff on PCPer. I guess a bandwidth limit tool like on Tomato would be the better way to deal with that possibly. I did notice on their demo that the QOS is system-wide so you can’t select QOS rules but device which kind of stinks. Kind of surprised the Famous Server List didn’t include IMAP or HTTPS. I did kind of laugh at the “Famous Game List” on the port forwarding. The Network Services Filter looks like an interesting feature but looks like you have to custom create a rule if you want to do it by machine (IP). I know a lot of parents that struggle with this specific point 🙂 – Any tests on parental control / keyword filters? I only ask because I know a number of routers in the past flat out didn’t work.

– Can you lock down the admin page to only work over wired? I see a place to open WAN access to it but not WIRED/WIRELESS. I had a few questions you might be able to answer: